Monday 10 October 2011

Day 10 A Force 8 Gale

Here is the weather report. Overnight and earlier this morning we hugged the coast of Sicily and Calabria and headed into a moderately choppy Ionian Sea. We then moved away from the coast to work our way around the ‘heel’ of Italy, before regaining our northerly direction into the Adriatic towards Venice. It has been reasonably sunny, but with 12 foot waves and sporadic giant bursts which engulf our balcony. Chris spent some time on the balcony playing ‘chicken’ with the waves until he got completely drenched. Because the sky is so clear the view of the sea is very dramatic, and I have some amazing photos, but I feel very sorry for people who suffer from seasickness. The buffet was very quiet at lunch.  Having completely missed Malta, the Captain is hoping we will arrive in Venice late afternoon tomorrow ready to disembark for an evening ashore.

The weather has brought some interesting to walk to our cabin without grabbing the handrails....and washing my hair, the latter being achieved only after covering the bathroom floor with foam and water.

We watched a very funny comedian and impressionist last night, Gary T Thompson, apparently sometimes on TV, though I’ve never seen him. Tonight, thanks to our cancelled Malta visit, we get to see our favourite magician again, Andy Leach. He was supposed to disembark in Malta, so is still with us. I wonder if they’ll double his fee.  If I have time tomorrow, I will try and add a few more photos to the Cadiz blog, and download a picture of today’s waves. This is much easier to achieve when we are closer to land.

So hopefully, folks, we will reach Venice tomorrow in time for a couple of much needed hours on land. Wish us luck,


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